Saturday, July 11, 2009


Everyday we all struggle with doing the "right" thing and being seduced by the wrong thing. We struggle with demons of our past or our environment. We struggle to overcome past hurt. We struggle with things that are bad for us but "feel" so good. Our mind is in constant battle between good and evil, spirit and flesh, our inner self and what we choose to reveal to others. Share your issues which make you "Conflicted". You are not alone.

What is Clydeville Huddle?

As many of you guys know, I'm a DJ for Bonnie & Clyde Entertainment in conjunction with Black Soul Rhythms Internet Radio. Our show which airs most Saturday nights at 10pm EST is always a journey in music, usually themed playlists with thought provoking topics for discussion as well as trivia. BNC is always looking for new material and receive ideas for topics to build a show around. The purpose of this Blog is to talk to the people about potential radio shows and gain feedback on what YOU want to hear.

In addition, BSR Radio is now hosting Hip Hop Fundamentals which BNC is now a part of. It is our goal to reach out to the Hip Hop Community to not only explore music but issues which concern this community as well as all lovers of music.